Mission Statement
Maxwell Ministries is committed:
To Glorify God:
This is our highest motivation and all-encompassing purpose. We do not glorify man, organization, or government, but God, and we evaluate what we do by this standard.
We believe that mankind is lost and needs to be redeemed through Christ Jesus, whom we proclaim as Savior. This distinguishes us from humanitarian agencies.
The unreached:
Our major concern is for unevangelized people groups. We are also concerned for individuals and communities who need a cross-cultural witness if they are to understand the gospel.
Minister to human need:
We see ministering to human need as scripturally valid. We do this in the context of our central purpose.
Disciple believers:
This involves teaching the Word of God, developing the gifts of the body, bringing believers to maturity in Christ.
Equip churches to fulfill Christ's Commission:
This involves providing skills and leadership training which will enable the churches to be bases for missions. The end result we seek is the local church reaching out to others who are unevangelized.